What are library fines and charges?

What are library fines and charges?


All loanable library items (excluding Document Supply items and Loan Laptops)

Items loaned from the library have a due date.  Many items will automatically renew when they reach the due date.  If an item cannot be renewed automatically, you will receive an email asking you to return the item  as soon as possible.  You can easily return items to either Adsetts or Collegiate library in person 24/7/365 or by using the freepost link provided in your 'items not renewed' email. 

We only ask you to return library items if they have been requested by another user.  Library resources are shared across all our users and it is important that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from them.  When your items need to be returned, please bring them back promptly.


If you have any queries about returning items, please contact us. 

If items are not returned, the replacement cost will be added to your library account which may block you from further borrowing.


Document Supply items

Any items you need that the library does not have can be requested via our Document Supply Service.  Document Supply items do not automatically renew and must be returned by the due date.

Fines are charged at £2 per day on the overdue items.  This applies to every day of the week including weekends.  The maximum fine per item is £20.

If you owe £30 or more in fines or replacement costs, you will be unable to borrow or request any more items.


Library Loan Laptops

Your library offers one day and one week loan laptops. Library loan laptops do not automatically renew and must be returned by the due date and time.

Fines on library laptops are charged at £5 per day or part of a day.  This applies to every day of the week including weekends.  The maximum fine per item is £60.  If you do not return a laptop a replacement cost of £600 will be added to your library record.

If you owe £30 or more in fines or replacement costs, you will be unable to borrow any more items.


  • Last Updated Aug 17, 2024
  • Views 2233
  • Answered By Carl Lomax

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