What is the A-Z list of Databases?

What is the A-Z list of Databases?



The A-Z database list is a list of all the databases the university has access to. You can also search on library search to retrieve results from almost all database content but it cannot search all databases e.g. SciFinder or Practical Law.



What is a database?

A database is an online resource that contains information that can be searched. Databases vary in content for example they can cover multiple subjects or be subject-specific. The databases we have in the Library collection cover academic subjects and include advanced search options. 


Why should I use a database if Library Search can search almost all databases with one search?

Databases tend to have more advanced search options and it can be easier in a database to limit to a specific article type, combine sets and have more field searching options available to you than within Library Search. You will also find less information in a database than you would in Library Search but this information is likely to be more relevant as you are searching a subject-specific resource.

  • Last Updated Aug 27, 2024
  • Views 244
  • Answered By Kerry Gregory

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